15712 after sleeping in for the first time in a while, we woke up and decided to meet some people going to the open air market we went to last week. however we got off the subte too early, because some people thought it was closer, it was not closer, so we decided to hit up the zoo. now i must say my only experience with animals like this outside of the United States, is the circus in Russia, which was kinda fucked up, so i wasnt sure what was going on here. entry was 47 pesos, so 10USD. there were some kids outside protesting the zoo, at first i just figured they were the treehugging type, but i was soon proven, they were kind of right. they had all the animals one would expect to have in a zoo, the Milwaukee zoo I would say is definitely better, this zoo is how i imagine zoos were in the United States back in the 1960s, lots of cages, like actual cages. anyways the only stuff i was really interested in was the more local critters, so i got some pictures of them.

there is a herd of llamas (yes a herd, i looked it up) fighting eachother for the pellets of food you can buy to feed the animals in the zoo (all the animals eat the same pellet thing) and some. and the other thing that looks like a llama, but isnt is a vicuña, ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicu%C3%B1a ) its apparently the national animal of Peru. anyways there was nothing too awesome in the zoo, there was one point where i made eye contact with the camel, and i saw the deepest sadness ive seen in any animal ever, worse than those sara mclachlan ASPCA commercial kittens. after seeing the despondence in a camel i realized i wasnt emotionally prepared to see the apes. so we hurried through the rest of the place, and headed home. i was torn, i dont know if i should feel bad for supporting the zoo, or feel good for supporting the animals. like if people stopped going, and the zoo stopped generating revenue, what would happen to the animals? anyways, enough with such moral quandaries, class is soon, sleep time must start now.
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