Sunday, July 29, 2012

my pessimism is showing


slept in fantastically late, it was great, me and mike made our way to that same market we went to the first week after the cemetery, to meet up with some of the other people, and wander around. luckily i love shopping, and especially shopping for tourist garbage, so i had a great time, after wandering around for a few hours, we decided to find a bar that was inexpensive, and had the Olympics on tv, ultimately we settled on an expensive restaurant, that had crappy music videos on tv.

yeah, we went to the hardrock cafe Buenos Aires, in the hopes that they are "International" enough to have the Olympics on, and they only had it on at the bar, which we couldnt sit at, and they had more crappy beer for way to many Peso. so it was kinda shitty.

we broke for a nap and dinner before going out. we decided to go to the bar we found last weekend, the Congo place, with the outdoor-ness and the firepits. i was mad tired, so i sat watching the crowds and nursing a beer for much of the evening.

im looking forward to just sitting around the hotel and drinking in Patagonia, because we can start that at like 8, have 5 hrs of drunken shenanigans and still get to sleep before 5am. the bar scene here doesnt pick up till like midnight, and goes till sun up.

our party split up, a bunch of girls, and my roomate wanted to go clubbing, while the rest of us went home (i went home at least, i dun really care bout everyone else). apparently mike had a bunch of fun at the club, there were fewer creepy assholes at this place than the last place, so he wasnt stuck fighting off douchebags the entire night. i vaguely recall him coming home, but i was sleeping very hard.

so yeah, this weekend was aright, i PROMISE when we hit Patagonia ill have interesting shit to talk about, glaciers and nature n shit. this dialogue is just alot less culturally exciting than my previous ones. my post-dialogue writeup will be very long, i just need some time for all this shit to coalesce, between my bias towards Europe, this being the very end of my undergrad career, and my obstinate anti-grammar nature, this dialogue will leave me with things to say beyond character analysis of the girls around me.

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