Wednesday, July 18, 2012

im sorry


nothing special today, language class, where we practiced more conversation, and i got to drop some International Relations knowledge, watched a bit of Diarios de Motocicleta ( ) picking through the dialogue for grammar and vocabulary purposes. i followed a bunch of kids to the pay by the kilo Chinese buffet, and was subsequently unimpressed, i should have gone with the Choripan again. it was pretty much the same price, i got a bunch of noodles, and chicken, but it was lukewarm and had the classic cheap Chinese MSG taste. ill be sure to chase down more choripan tomorrow.

after lunch we finished our last history lesson with the professor (whose name i still forgot to get). this session went from 1955 through to today. and we talked more about Peronismo, and how its not a party, more of a vague ideology, and then we talked about Peronismo, is not a party, its something people claim to follow, and then he explained that Peronismo is not a political party (i say that because we talked about it many times, people had a hard time understanding the concept of a nonpartisan leader). we talked about the Guerra Sucia, and the financial woes of the 1990s, all very interesting stuff. fortunately we will be having the same speaker for the economics presentations as well, and i look forward to listening to him more, i should also remember to ask him questions about the Malvinas war as well.

again boring day, im sorry

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