23512 I am pretty sure today is like the midpoint of the trip, it passed by rather unremarkably. woke up again later due to the lack of Czech language class, which is cool, but then the sun rises here absurdly early (like 5 am), and there are very few curtains in this region of the world capable of doing anything but looking like crappy lace. anyways the discussion was some more intro on Hungary, im excited cause its a REAL old city, with Roman-time ruins stuff, while i dont immediately recall seeing any last time around, im sure they were there (being as the Romans pre-date my international travels by a few years). the class was then picked up by our English major-PhD student guy discussion of the Under A Cruel Star Book. he kinda fell into the trap of being an english student, he analyzed the bejeezus out of the text, pulling meaning and metaphor, and symbolism and reasoning out of everything, like during his leading of the discussion i thought "shiet, (colloquial term i use all to frequently in my inner monologues) i read this book very wrong". and to make it doubly concerning, he will be the one grading the papers. so i have resolved to dig deep into my educational archives, and dredge up the know-how on writing about literature, i mean, this is a personal account, it actually happened, but it reads very much like a story. in the past 4 years i have been reading thousands of pages a week for history and poli-sci type classes, all of which very cut and dry, not really open to interpretation, so whenever i read anything else (namely sci-fi) i read it for consumption, i dont want to think and absorb and analyze and reach, i want explosions and boobs and aliens and FTL and then more explosions. so i kinda read this as another of my sci-fi stories, (again not to diminish the reality of this woman experience, but it was fantastical). ill peruse through it again to write up a good paper about how this book provides a micro example of the appeal of communism to a post-war Europe, and particularly post-war-European-Jewery. that was the class after which i went home to nap, cause you know, sleep is awesome. we went here

a good number of us enjoyed the symphony. it was Leif Ove Andsnes, who is i guess some kinda bigshot composer? and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra? i dunno, its what it says on the ticket. i dont know nearly enough about symphonies to tell you whether they were good or not, i enjoyed it. the music was pleasant, and the musicians seemed to be into it and know what they are doing, my limited concert experience on the trumpet didnt help me much. though i did notice a classic brass in a symphony moment, when the two trumpetlike (i nor my buddy could identify the instrument, it had the 3 keys, and the bell and whatnot, but it was like longer, like 3/4 size valve trombone. anyways, when everyone was applauding and whatnot, and the violinists were bowing, and the conductor was waving his flowers, the brass players in back were chillin, caring very little, so little infact, that he took the occasion to empty his spitvalve. it was awesome. anyways, after that some of the troop wanted to try absinthe, and we found a place nearby, i did not try any, as i had not done my research yet. not that i am afeared of the hallucinations and all that, cause i know damn well absinthe isnt supposed to do that (i could go into a huge diatribe about why people who think that are wrong). i have a distillery in Milwaukee that produces pre-ban style absinthe, and now that i have researched it is of the French/Swiss type, so you can do the whole icewater dropping over a sugar cube into the fancy glass to get the Ouzo effect and blah de blah. but apparently historically bohemian absinthe is different, in that it has less anise, so it doesnt go all milky like that, so thats where the fire thing came from, it was a gimmick thought up in the 90s. ANYWAYS, i have found a few local made absinthes, i just gotta find a place that sells em now. others continued out for a drink at another bar, i bailed and went home before they found a place (and now they got home somewhat disappointed with the evenings turn of events, i guess i do make the party). tomorrow to Bratislava, fingers crossed for good internetz
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