Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fish heads and vomit (unrelated)


We woke up hungover, well collectively the two of us woke up pretty hung over, I was ok, but laura was near death.

But she was determined to go to the Tsukiji Fish market.

So we packed our bags, checked out of the hotel, and took a walk to the fish market. Stopping for Yoshinoya on the way, greasy-carb-laden breakfast was just what i needed. Being Sunday the inner market was closed, and no Tuna auction .

The outer market was fill of shops and restaurants and smells. Lots of very strong smells. And also tuna heads. I guess they put the tuna heads on display outside as a marketing gimmick. After our experience with sashimi and larvae, I was not interested. Some how the sights and smells here didn't upset Laura's tummy and made it through without incident.

We did find a street vendor selling candied ginger that helped some with the discomfort.

After the fish market we wandered around the Ginza neighborhood. Again being Sunday, there wasn't much going on, we stopped at our first cafe of the day to try some wifi and laura Ave coffee. We signed up for stove free Wi-Fi that is good at over 40,000 locations around Japan, including most train stations. And laura puked here, then we decided to head back to akihabara to try and find boxes that would fit ask the stuff we are trying to send back. Akihabara being full of Japan-fetishizing Americans I figured would have boxes for shipping. On the train laura got sick and we got off early, so she could puke. And while walking the rest of the way to akihabara we came across a pile of boxes outside a clothing boutique. Snagged some and went back to the hotel.

I packed the stuff into a box, and Laura puked the hotel lobby toilet, so we wandered off in the Shinbashi neighborhood. we found a park, where she puked in a public squat toilet, which I'm pretty sure was a novel experience for her. Then she napped on my lap on a park bench. We went to our second cafe because I was getting hungry. I got a muffin and a maple latte, and laura puked in this bathroom too.

Then it was time for us to go to Shimotikazawa for our next stint. We definitely should have taken a cab, between Laura's glass stomach and the box of stuff, a transfer at Shinbashi was not going to happen. We ultimately didn't make the transfer and hopped a cab anyways.

Late on Sunday almost nothing was open on Shimotikazawa. We went to a place our AirBNB guy recommended. Unfortunately the menu was all Japanese and the staff knew 0 English. We struggled through with Google translate. Ordered chicken. Laura ate a bite, then felt sick. And we went home for our first night in the AirBnB.

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