Saturday, June 2, 2012

a lil lacking

1612 i have started to get a lil lax with my blog posts, but thats cause not much of note has happened, i feel a lil bad that the most exciting part of the day for me was going to a club in the eve, but thats whats up. ill give you a rundown anyways woke up for class, which was very interesting today, we had a guest lecturer from Charles University? (i think he was in the Faculty of Philosophy for Charles) and he walked us through the political philosophy/economy/social commentary written by Václav Havel, the Power of the Powerless ( ). the lecture was very interesting, i havent had an opportunity to think about politics from a philosophical point of view since like second year, so i enjoyed it. the lecturer walked us through a little of the historical context of the essay, and Havel's life, and then jumped into asking questions like "what is a lie?" and "why is the truth better?" so that was fun, mentally exhausting, but hey, these exercises are as essentially as squats and pullups. i feel like a good number of the catz in our group didnt appreciate the lecture, as they are lame majors like communications and biology. in the evening we had tickets to see a dance performance at the newer stage in Prague ( ). it was titled Graffiti, and even now as writing this (26 hrs later) im not entirely sure what i saw. the production was spectacular, there were dancers on stage, doing interpretive? dance, some kind of modern stuff that was a lil confusing, impressive, the balance, and body control was certainly spectacular, but i wasnt always sure what was going on, and then, on top of that (literally and figuratively) there were more images, in that over the entire stage was an angled mirror surface, and to compliment this there was a screen parallel with the floor, which had all kinds of images on it. so as a member of the audience you could see what was on that screen via the mirrors, and we saw what was happening on the floor with the appropriate lighting. it was crazy, kinda sensory overload, not disenjoyable, just alot, i may have a Eureka moment and figure out what was going on in the coming days, but for right now, it was cool seeing dancing and pictures n music, but im not entirely sure what was going on. after class i took the free time to nap, we havent had much time to ourselves so far on this dialogue, so i slept, i didnt have any particularly interesting dinner, and eventually we went out. we went to a club that had a series of DJs coming through, one of them being Porter Robinson ( ) who is a big deal (and quite a bit younger than me, i guess im getting old) the show was good, there were lots of people, myself and a number of catz had a swell time. tomorrows post will be more substantive, i promise

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