Tuesday, May 29, 2012

slow days

29512 squat, we did squat today, we had class and thats about it. the class didnt fall into my area of interest, but i see the pertinence to the history. the class was led by a Charles University professor that had a rather eclectic collection of degrees under his belt, but he gave us the rundown of the History of the Jewish people in central Europe from the early modern to modern times. much of the stuff we went through we had gotten bits and pieces of on our wanderings and guided tours through the Jewish sections of the cities we have been to, the special clothes they had to wear to be marked out, the development and institutionalization of the ghettos, the kings always relying on the Jews for revenue. he also talked about how the thirty years war and the development of the nation-state made being a Jew harder, cause of the rise of nationalism, and the abolition of the autonomy the Jewish communities had. by the modern era, monarchs began to realize they could better exploit the Jewish population by letting them take up new professions and go to school n whatnot, but things didnt necessarily get better. The discussion kinda petered out before getting past 1900, so we didn’t talk about the modern nationalism and racism stuff, but then again, that is something we (I atleast) have gotten lots of before. after said class, i went home and napped, for like 3 hours, woke up, ate a lil bit, a handful of us wanted to go find food at a place that was closed again, we then walked back to our neighborhood to try a place that wasnt taking anymore costumers, so i came home, and did this, will work on my paper now. tomorrow we are seeing stuff, so there will be pictures and discussion n whatnot.

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